Monday, April 9, 2012


Kia Ora everyone! Hope your Easter was AMAZING! I have a question for you...and it's to do with next term's inquiry so I need your help!

What's something that you've always been told or told to do (either by your parents, friends, sports coach, teacher etc) but you're not sure why or if they're true? Here's a couple of examples:

* If you swallow chewing gum, it will stay inside of you for 7 years
* It's faster to start from a crouch position than a standing position in a running race
* If you eat all your carrots, you'll be able to see in the dark
* "You'll understand when you're older"
* "Stay inside or you'll catch a cold"
* If you eat your crusts, it'll put hair on your chest

Have a think and if you come up with any of your own, post a comment by clicking the 'comments' button below. Thanks!

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