Thursday, December 10, 2015

Roller Coaster Week

I always find this time of the year very difficult. Yes, the inevitable end of year administration is demanding but pales in significance compared with having to farewell another unforgettable group of students. I have taught most of the 16 Year 8's for two years and some of them I have taught for three consecutive years. Three consecutive years. I still find this difficult to fathom. They have become part of my everyday life. At this time of the year I almost always start asking myself some serious questions: Have I had an impact on their learning? Have I done enough? Are they equipped for High School?

Only time will tell. All I know is that I have given it my all. There have been highs and there have been lows. Many successes and lots of failures. If there was something I wanted to try, I tried it. If there was something that needed to end, I ended it. 

Although it's not something they have probably ever really considered, this group of graduates have taught me a lot; helped shift and shape my practice. Their willingness to adapt and to experiment with new ways to reinforce learning has provided me with the scope to facilitate and more importantly, assess achievement outcomes. Their open and respectful relationship with me has provided valuable insights into the effectiveness of our programmes.  

I hosted the Year 8's and their families at my home for an end of year BBQ this week. It was so well attended and such a memorable night. It has become a bit of tradition for the Year 8's to write 'toasts' to one another and they did such a fine job of this. 

To my unforgettable Year 8's, Thank you. Thank you for everything you have done for this school. You are talented, well-grounded and overflowing with potential. Enjoy the adventure that is High School. May the force be with you!


1 comment:

  1. Hay Mr S-W,
    thanks for all those wonderful comments. I said on my blog that I couldn't have chosen a better pack to go through my primary years with than them. I'm going to find it really hard moving on from a lot of them, and each and every one of them will always have a place in my heart. I'm going to miss all of them. You have certainly done enough to help me - you have done more than enough, and I thank you for that.
    Thanks for an amazing year 8 experience, and best of luck for your future at Paroa School.


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