Tuesday, February 14, 2017

congratulations Riley!

Thanks to the power of technology, this is the view I get of the overall progress of our Pikelets in 2017. Riley has already completed 2 hours service in the weekend, which equates to 10% of his overall service and 1% of the classes!

The Year 7's will be involved this year in our Passion Projects component of the WPCA but won't keep a formal log until next year. They are more than welcome to participate in community service locally with their Year 8 classmates or for a personal challenge in preparation for next year. 

Kaia invited Mayor Tony Kockshoorn to give us an insight into potential community service projects. He has accepted the invitation and will meet with us Thursday. Thanks Kaia for showing great initiative with this. 

Remember, get on top of it now so you're not playing catch-up in Term 4. 

As William says, "Everyday is a good day!"

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